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How Much Does Senior Daycare Cost?

The median day charge (up to eight hours) for adult daycare facilities in the U.S is $85 in 2024. Many families pay according to per hour because older adults don't spend all day there. The amount families pay additionally depends on person's needs, facility's location, the loved one's insurance benefits and the form of care provided.

What Is Covered Under Under Our Services For Seniors?
  • Health care including bathing, dressing, getting about the home companionship, meal preparation, and nail preparation.
  • Outings and visits to doctors, hairdressers, libraries, shops, etc.
  • Everyday exercises so the incorporation of them into your routine enhances flexibility, mobility, and overall wellbeing.
  • Overnight care
  • Light home making
Do You Offer Senior Care Services In Other Cities Of Alberta?

Our utmost priority is our patients’ care and satisfaction, and we embark on this by maintaining our high-quality structures. Thus, pertaining to it currently our senior care services are offered in Calgary and Vancouver, however, we will be expanding across Canada in near future.

Do You Offer In-Home Patient Care Service?

Yes, since home is the place where an individual feels the most relaxed at, so we proffer in-home patient care services. Our in-home patient care services are aimed at boosting patient's relaxation, self-confidence, and utmost care.

What Type Of Patients Or Seniors You Don't Service?

We are dedicated to presenting a nurturing and enriching environment for seniors and adults with diverse abilities. Absolutely everyone that calls for a senior care plan for residents of Canada, wanting support because of the effect of growing older and extra fragile or desiring Alberta seniors support offerings. Thus, we have incorporated the needs and demands of different abilities individuals in our setup to facilitate the whole senior community.